Selling A Property in the Times of COVID-19: Here Is What's Changed

The pandemic - and ensuing social distancing measures - has influenced many aspects of our daily lives, and it has not spared the way we sell our properties and find the dream family home. Luckily, on this, cutting-edge technologies such as Matterport photography and 3D virtual tours are on our side. 

Indeed, visiting houses during this unusual time can be unsafe and challenging. Of course, staying within closed spaces with other people is not recommendable. But, so, how can you show the wonders of a property to potential buyers?

Matterport photography, a three-dimensional camera system that allows creators to bring to life fully-immersive, incredibly realistic experiences and virtual tours, gives you the chance to explore every nook and corner of a property together with a potential buyer.

The high-quality imagery and accurate measurements collected by these systems can also give the real feel of a property's space, style, and character.

The advantages of using virtual staging to explore a property include the fact that this system allows you to picture potential buyers in it, presenting it as a white canvas to start designing an ideal space. 

Ultimately, a high-resolution virtual tour allows potential buyers to take their own time to understand if that property is right for them truly. When these virtual tours are hosted by the owner or knowledgeable estate agent, buyers will feel like they have all the support needed throughout such a crucial process. Such high-end technology can enhance the property-viewing process, giving a chance to buyers to keep exploring options and selecting the home of their dreams - all in complete safety!