Virtual Tours for Schools
The current pandemic has influenced several aspects of our daily lives, including the way we build relationships or live our professional lives. One of the hardest aspects of the hardest is the educational environment, including schools, universities, and campuses. However, nobody's education, career, or goals should stop because of the pandemic!
Today, technology is on our side, and with exclusive virtual school tours, it is possible to explore every nook and corner before getting there. Moving to a new campus or joining a new classroom can be an intimidating moment for any pupil. Virtual tours can help them prepare at their best and join the new environment with unparalleled peace of mind. Here's how.
Exploring Campuses Without The Rush
Open houses and tour visits before the first day at a new school or university are a must for any student. These are important moments when they have the chance to explore the place that will be their second home for the months or years to come.
Visiting a campus or building is undoubtedly the best way to become familiar and comfortable with it. However, because of the current pandemic's consequences, this is not always possible to do in total safety. Virtual school tours are ideal for giving your future students a chance to explore the premises at their own time and without a rush.
Getting Familiar With Your New Home
The first day at school or university is among the most intimidating and overwhelming for everybody. One of the aims of open houses are to allow the students to become familiar with this new environment. However, now that these are not as safe anymore, it is necessary to find an alternative way to facilitate this important introduction. Virtual school and campus tours allow students to get to know the names, facilities, and routes. So, the pupils your school is about to welcome can focus on what's important during the first days in the new environment.
Finding An Easy Way To Get Around
Covid-19 has made it difficult to move around safely and made it necessary to minimize in-person interactions. Giving your students the chance to familiarize themselves with the premises can help you manage people's flow in a building or campus in a better way, thus protecting your pupils and teachers.
While this should not be the only precaution taken to contain the spread of Covid-19, it can help you welcome students who are already comfortable with the premises, at ease in the new environment, and ready to learn and build life-long relationships with others around them.
Contact us to learn more about our Virtual Tours for your school, community centre, church, business or real estate listing.
tel: (437) 775-9000